Dynamic Low-Light Image Enhancement for Object Detection via End-to-End Training


Object detection based on convolutional neural networks is a key area in computer vision. The illumination component in images significantly affects detection performance, especially under low-light conditions. Although low-light image enhancement can improve image quality and detection performance, existing methods may negatively affect some samples, making it difficult to improve overall detection accuracy in low-light environments. This paper proposes a novel framework that combines low-light enhancement with object detection, enabling end-to-end training. The framework dynamically selects the appropriate enhancement subnetworks for each sample to improve detector performance. The approach consists of two stages: the enhancement stage, which enhances low-light images based on various enhancement methods and outputs corresponding weights, and the detection stage, where the weights provide information for object classification to generate high-quality region proposals, resulting in more accurate detection. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves detection performance in low-light environments.

2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Yirui Wu
Yirui Wu
Young Professor, CCF Senior Member

My research interests include Computer Vision, Artifical Intelligence, Multimedia Computing and Intelligent Water Conservancy.